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Get Karpovage Creative's Maps. Or Get Lost.

Karpovage Creative, Inc. is the independent design and publishing firm of Michael Karpovage. Michael also partners with the elite design firm Mapformation for commissioned cartographic designs in the college and university, resort, and tourism marketplaces. This is the avenue where we personally met Michael. The Savannah Historic District Illustrated, Haunted Savannah Ilustrateds, and Bonaventure Cemetery Illustrated are beautiful maps that show each area of Savannah in spectacular blend of cartography, artistry, and exceptional graphic design.

In Savannah, where a historic building, monument or other point of interest beckons around every corner, an excellent map is essential for visitors. This is where Karpovage’s Savannah Historic District Illustrated Map comes into play. This 3D, birds-eye-view pictorial map is the only one you’ll need when visiting the Historic Landmark District. The unique orientation gives you an immediate “lay of the land” helping you navigate and find the many hidden gems, rich history, and architectural splendor that make this classy Southern Belle a national treasure of American heritage. The map is loaded with history facts, ghost stories and pictorial depictions of popular attractions – including the entire length of River Street. Folded size is 4×9 inches, opened to 18×27 inches. Mike Westby, a reviewer, had this to say about this incredible map: "This Savannah Historic District Illustrated Map is flat out impressive on many levels. For pure utility it clearly and concisely provides the information needed to navigate, but it goes so far beyond that. The attention to detail is intriguing and entertaining at the same time, compelling the user to immerse themselves in the artwork as they explore every aspect of the map."

Bonaventure Cemetery is a public cemetery located on a scenic bluff of the Wilmington River, east of Savannah, Georgia. The cemetery became famous when it was featured in the 1994 novel Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt, and in the movie, directed by Clint Eastwood, based on the book. Karponage’s three-dimensional, birds-eye-view pictorial Bonaventure Cemetery Illustrated Map gives you the big picture of this beautiful cemetery. Step inside a centuries-old artform of oblique angle mapping and find the hidden gems of Bonaventure's historical residents. View their luxurious funerary art, learn of their past accomplishments and experience the lush floral landscape that makes this charming garden cemetery such a popular tourist destination the world over.

Everyone from USA Today to the Travel Channel includes Savannah on their lists of “America's Most Haunted Cities”. From war, disease, fires and slavery to dueling, lover’s spats, murder and magic, Savannah’s hauntings seemingly rise from every street corner. Karponage’s Haunted Savannah Illustrated, a three-dimensional, birds-eye-view pictorial map, gives you the “big picture” of where these strange tales originate. Look, listen, and live each moment as you journey through America’s Most Haunted City and connect with her past. But take heed, traveler: who knows what you’ll conjure up. The reverse side functions as a self-guided tour map showing 44 distinct haunted locations with easy-to-find map grid locations. Included are museums and attractions, top-ranked ghost tour companies, and information on free public transportation and docking regulations. They’ve also included a regional map to get you from the airport and I-95 all the way to Tybee Island.

Visit today to purchase any of these three incredible maps, plus look around at all Michael has to offer.

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